From: Michael Crisp
To: media@hormel
Date: 05/08/2019 06:48 PM
Subject: Attention PR Department: Five Veterans and Spam
The Back Story:
The attached photo is of five men, each of whom served in the five branches of the US military. Left to right are members of the US Marine Corps, US Air Force, US Army, US Coast Guard and US Navy.
Serendipity brought the five men together. In recent months two separate groups made a habit of meeting for a Thursday breakfast at a Los Altos, California restaurant. A chance encounter as the two groups left the restaurant at the same time led to a conversation about noticing each other as Thursday regulars.
During this impromptu meeting, one group revealed that the US Army (Air Force) member was turning 100 that week and the local paper was doing a special feature on him.
The article revealed the Centurion has been a B-17 pilot in World War II and had successfully flown 35 missions over Nazi Germany.
The following week the two tables joined and it was learned the five males present had each served in a different branch of the military. Over war stories, it was concluded that one thing all five men had in common was Spam. The next week, one member brought cans of Spam for the others as shown in the attached photo.
If you feel there is a further story here, I would be happy to provide further information including names and other details. I can be reached at [Phone] or by [email].
By the way, the 100 year old went sky diving to celebrate his birthday. He enjoyed it so much, he said he was going to make it an annual event!
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